Truck photos that cause me to say "What the hell?"

Imagine how catastrophic the landing is going to be, and in an era before airbags, and without hollywood suspension... how much damage is the body of that driver going to sustain

Now how did the driver of the construction dumptruck do that?

The tractor is pretty cool, espcially the roof windows, but the trailer is unusual

Is the above a hearse conversion?

the above is about butt ugly, it's a '58 GMC (Chevrolet parent company if you didn't know)
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A couple of woodys I've never seen before, a 1921 Renault and a Goggomobile

A couple of guys have commented that the red car is a Bantam, but it isn't. It's a Goggomobile.
And the source of that info is from the source of the photos, Caradisiac
read more "A couple of woodys I've never seen before, a 1921 Renault and a Goggomobile"

Unusual transport trucking and hauling, hauling VW micro busses, and a VW Kombi hauling a Porsche 550 Spyder

read more "Unusual transport trucking and hauling, hauling VW micro busses, and a VW Kombi hauling a Porsche 550 Spyder"

Very unusual railcars, not from the USA, and quite old. A Robur and a Tatra

read more "Very unusual railcars, not from the USA, and quite old. A Robur and a Tatra"

To get where you want to go, drive something on caterpillar tracks

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Trucking used for advertising, quite an unusual collection from Caradisiac

Bantams above and below, so small they can probably only be described as "cute"

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the two looks of the Futurliner bus from the GM Parade of Progress concept car tours

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The taxis from "The Wiz"

these taxi customs were built my Mechanic Dan! Dabanka commented and let me know to go over to

where it's written " Between 1977 and 1978, Mechanic Dan and built the Taxi Cabs for the movie The Wiz starring Diana Ross, Michael Jackson, Lena Horne and Richard Pryor. The Taxi Cabs were made out of golf Carts. Dan cut the golf carts in half and made them longer. He then built custom fiberglass bodies and rewired all of the carts. "
Six different photos are on the link above

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More photos of the Flying Monkeys from the movie "The Wiz", I give you the AC Flying Monkeys

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Can anyone help Laurie with information about this barnfind 1933 Tempo Wagen type T-10?

Hello and thank-you for taking the time to read this. I am sending this out to anyone I think might be able to help me with some knowledge of this vehicle. I am asking for any information at all.

There is nothing on the internet at all that I can find. I would like information about it's history, rarity, value, and any help on who might be interested in this vehicle, though, technically it's a motorcycle, or if not that, then perhaps a lead as to who else I could try to contact.

It's owner, Bob, lives down the road and I've always admired all the neat junk he's had out over the 20 or so years I've lived here. I met him last week and just that quick he has decided that he wants me to help him get rid of it.

You see, his wife of 54 years has very recently passed away. They were both avid collectors, but now he just wants to move south to be with family.

The vehicle is a 1933 Tempo-Wagen I can tell you it works, everything is there, there's even the windsheild in perfect shape. The steering wheel is just raw exposed 4" peices of wood wired together. And if you can't tell, it's a two seater. The cushion for the first seat is completely deteriorated. The other one is in decent shape and says Bruninghaus.

I asked my husband if it was a basket case and he laughed and said ,"heck no, this is an easy fix!!!!." The paint seems to be original.

So I'm thanking you for taking the time to read this. I hope I haven't overextended myself and anxiously await a reply from you. Please do get back to me so I am assured that you even received this and so I'll know if I have to keep looking for more people to try to contact.!/album.php?aid=4690&id=100001776133463 here's pics and paperwork

Thank You, and have a nice day,Laurie Everett to help her out

For more photos, they aren't better, just different,
for a bit about Tempo and tells us the models and what years they were made
read more "Can anyone help Laurie with information about this barnfind 1933 Tempo Wagen type T-10?"

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