if you are looking for the 2012 calendar http://justacarguy.blogspot.com/2012/01/2012-san-diego-and-southern-california.html
Cobras and Corvettes at Starbucks Mission Valley 7am in the Ikea / Costco shopping center (South west corner) 1st Saturday of the month
Encinitas Cruise every 3rd Thursday of the month, June through Sept... South Coast Highway 101, H to D streets
May 6th 7th and 8th Over the Hill Gang Annual Streak Campland on the Bay (pacific beach / San Diego)
May 7th Ramona High School http://www.ramonahighband.org/ or bulldogcarshow@gmail.com
May 14th and 15th El Mirage http://www.scta-bni.org/
May 14th 16th annual Muckenthaler Motor car festival Hot Rods and Customs, Fullerton (near Anaheim) but May 15th is the Concours De Elegance http://themuck.org/s/motor-car-festival/
may 14th Corvette Car show Embarcadero / Seaport Village
May 14th "Spring Fest Car Show", Allied Gardens Community Park, San Diego, CA
May 14th Corvettes of San Diego car club Ventura Point (mission Bay) http://corvettesofsandiego.com/users/editorialdisp.php?mn=110883&fn=events
May 14th Biggs Harley Davidson of San Marcos http://www.biggsh-d.com/ 11am to 3pm
May 15th Vintage Volkswagen Spring Festival, 18th annual, Bob Baker VW http://www.sv2s.com/ or pa.sdacs@hotmail.com Carlsbad Auto Mall, 5500 Paseo Del Norte
May 15th 34th annual North County Corvettes Embarcadero / Seaport Village http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html
may 22nd Julian Classic Motoring Show “V8s In the Vineyard,” Menghini Winery, 5th annual show features sports and racing cars, classics, specialty vehicles and vintage motorcycles. Highlighted this year will be historic Trans Am racers with Christi Edelbrock as the Grand Marshal. There is a rally on that Saturday for all show participants and the main event is Sunday. http://www.julianclassicmotoringshow.com/
May 22nd BMW club Spanish Landing May 28th Escondido Grape Day Park Pre 1974 cars 9am to 3pm
May 22nd Dennis Park (off I15 and Market st by Costco) Viejitos Car Club 14th annual picnic: info 619-370-6833
May 26th Rockabilly Rumble
8 pm to 10 PM
West Coast Tavern, North Park, University Ave and 30th street http://www.westcoasttavern.com/ hosted by DiscoverSD
May 28th American Heritage Car Show. Grape Day Park, Escondido
May 29th AACA 46th Fallbrook Vintage car show, info: Tom Conley 760 723 8596
May 30th Qualcomm Swapmeet 7am to 2pm http://www.sandiegoautoswap.com/
June 2nd Start of LaMesa Car Cruise
June 4th Friends of Steve McQueen car show to benefit Steve's chosen charity and his alumnus, Boys Republic http://www.friendsofstevemcqueen.com/ in Chino Hills
June 4th and 5th Huntington Beach Concours de Elegance http://www.hbconcours.org/
June 4th
Torrey Pines High School 10am to 3pm
Touch a Truck http://www.touchatrucksd.com/
a childhood cancer fundraiser 501c3 charity car show, where the kids are encouraged to climb into and get interested in cars and trucks
June 6th
Imperial Beach Car show
June 8th
Mopars are the featured marque at the Escondido cruise
June 12th Fords and Friends Escondido Felicita Park http://www.pickupslimitedsandiego.com/images/PUL%20SD%20F&F%202010%20Flyer.pdf
June 12th Bugorama in Irvine www.bugorama.com/2011classicfull.jpg
June 14th
Start of the Chula Vista car cruise
June 18th and 19th LA Roadster Show 46th Annual L.A. Roadster Show, L.A. Fairplex, Pomona http://www.laroadsters.com/
June 18th Grossmont Gardens Senior Living center, 5480 Marengo Ave La Mesa.... 11am to 2 pm .. .. RSVP with Micaela @ 619-307-3333
June 18th North Park Recreational Park at the corner of Idaho and Howard, Set Free Tribal have their 1st annual Car and Bike show 11am to 4pm contact 619-647-4344
June 17th -19th Boozefighters MC 12th annual overnight Rancho Corrido RV park Info: chopbfmc3@yahoo.com
June 26 - July 1 Kaiser Frazer Owner Club International convention for info Larry Barker, 602-373-1456, thekaiserstore@gmail.com Rancho Bernardo
June 29th 8am to noon, Rancho Bernado Inn Parking lot
Kaiser Frazer convention car show and judging
July 2nd Ventura county fairgrounds, The Beatnik Blowout http://gambinocustoms.com/
July 4th Rancho Bernardo Wheels of Freedom Car Show no entry fee, but only has space for 130 cars, you have to register first, but open to all makes and models Webb Park Poway Cruisers car club http://powaycruisers.com/
July 10th Cops and Rodders North Park http://www.sdpolicemuseum.com/ 9am to 2pm at the Liberty Station (old Navy training base in Pt Loma)
July 10th Long Beach Dragster Expo and car show http://www.bixbyknollsinfo.com/pdf-files/2010%20entry%20form2-lores.pdf
July 10th East County Cruisers 9th Annual Car Show http://www.simpsonsnursery.com/ 9am to 2pm
July 16th King of Clubs Barona Dragstrip
July 16th San Diego Mopar Club annual show in Carlsbad http://www.moparclubsandiego.net/main.frame.set.htm
July 17th Jaguar Car show Spanish Landing
July 23rd Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito (Carmel Valley/Del Mar)
The thing I found funny? They are having the Oceanside CHP Capt award a trophy tot he car the CHP would most like to pursue, I like that
July 23rd Crower Cams customer appreciation day and open house
10 am to 4pm , 6180 Business Center Court, a couple blocks East of the 805 on the 905
July 30th Toys For Tots car show MCRD San Diego http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html or ortegagarciaj@usmc-mccs.org
July 31st is the "ALL VW car, bus, and truck show" in La Jolla, on Girard, first time I've learned of it, everything VW, nothing else (about TIME!) 1946 through 1985 only all1946.1985volkswagon@gmail.com
August 6th SD Porsche Club Concourse de Elegance Shelter Island
August 6th So Cal T's Emabarcadero / Seaport Village
August 7th Main Street America Embarcadero / Seaport Village
August 7th Chula Vista Lemon Festival http://www.sandiegocoastlife.com/events/san-diego-bay/chula-vista-lemon-festival.html
August 20tht San Diego's 11th Annual Tiki Oasis
August 21st Charger Steve's PB car show on Garnet in PB http://www.chargersteve.com/
August 28th Picnic by the Bay (all makes) Seaport Village / Embarcadero Park http://www.classicchevyofsandiego.com/
Sept 2nd, 3rd, 4th Paso Robles http://www.goldenstateclassics.org/carshows.html
Sept 11th Liberty Station is the new location for the former Balboa Park father's day car show, also know as the Greatest Show On Turf
Sept 16th and 17th Hot Rods and High Rollers Autorama Pala Casino Spa and Resort http://www.palacasino.com/
Sept 17th Wavecrest, Encinitas
Sept 17th Motorhead Madness http://www.powaytransmissions.com/
Sept 17th (tour)
18th (Show) 3rd Annual English Motors at Fairbrook - 4949 S. Mission Rd. Fallbrook- 8:30AM - 3:30PM http://www.englishmotorsatfairbrook.org/ ( Annual fundraiser Meals on Wheels)
Sept 18th Camaro Club fall show Coronado Tidelands park
Sept 22nd Coronado Village Parade
Sept 23rd
drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 24th and 25th Speedfest on North Island Naval Air Station
Sept 24th Hellbillyfest and car show 2
Del Mar Arena fairgrounds
Benefits St Judes Childrens Hospital
Bo Huff will be there
Oct 2nd 32nd Annual British Car Show Day
Liberty Station Pt Loma
October 2nd SD Mustang Club Embarcadero / Seaport Village
October 7th
Drag racing Qualcomm
October 8th Prowlers Car Club Car Show http://www.simpsonsnursery.com/
Oct 8th
JR competition open house - car show
Oct 8th
Santee Car show
9am to 5pm
Riverview parkway and Mission gorge Rd
Oct 8th
Sweetwater Harley Charity Hot Rod and Custom Bike show
Proceeds to go to a Diabetes Program
pre 1965 and older
10 am to 4pm
3201 Hoover Ave, National City
info: 619 862 7528
Oct 9th
JBA sunday morning coffee and cars
Oct 9th SD Gaslamp Dist, 5th ave from E st to Market http://www.gaslamp.org/fifth-avenue-auto-showcase 11am to 4pm
Oct 9th
Antique drags, Barona dragstrip
October 15th Pinstripers Toilet Seat Invitational Panel Jam and Charity Event
Starts at 10am, San Diego Kustom Shop, 6695 Rasha St. San Diego, CA 92121
30-40 Kustom pin-stripers and airbrush artists on hand creating beautiful pieces of Kustom Kulture art work. These are some of the top stripers in the world as well as some of the top airbrush artists. All the artwork will be auctioned off at the event and 100% off the proceeds will be donated to the The Parkinson's Association of San Diego. There will also be an area for cars to be striped during the show so if someone wants to have some lines thrown down on their ride the day of the show we can do that
Oct 15th
Chula Vista Olympic Training Center car show
1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Oct 15th
Viejas car show... "Road to Success"
Oct 15th
Mopar Fall Fling
Van Nuys
October 16th
Pal Joey's Lounge in San Carlos, 5147 Waring Rd, 8am - 2pm
Oct 21st
Studebaker National Convention (Paicific South West Zone)
and 3rd annual Cool Classic Car Show
Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center (big parking lot in back by the river)
Info Bobhalgren@hotmail.com
Oct 29th
Ramona High School Auto Shop Car Show
10am to 2pm
November 12th
Carl Burger Dodge dealership annual car show
10am - 2pm
8355 Hercules Dr, LaMesa
Nov 18th
8th annual Fall Classic Car show
Tidelands Park Coronado Island
November 25- 27
Del Mar Fall Nationals
Dec 3rd
11th Annual Alpine car show in the Albertsons parking lot
11am to 3 pm
December 11th
Christmas Cruise for the kids, Del Mar
8am to 2pm
Torrey Pines High School, 3710 Del Mar Heights Rd
Feb 24th, 25th and 26th
Qualcomm's big 3 swapmeet and auto parts exchange
June 23-24, 2012
Dana Point concours de Elegance
http://www.socalcarculture.com/events.html (really big calendar)
http://www.goodoleboyssandiego.com/events.htm (really good calendar) http://local.signonsandiego.com/sections/cars/calendar
http://corvettesofsandiego.com/users/editorialdisp.php?mn=110883&fn=clubCalendar http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html
I'm just getting started, lots of improvements and additions to come
Cobras and Corvettes at Starbucks Mission Valley 7am in the Ikea / Costco shopping center (South west corner) 1st Saturday of the month
Encinitas Cruise every 3rd Thursday of the month, June through Sept... South Coast Highway 101, H to D streets
May 6th 7th and 8th Over the Hill Gang Annual Streak Campland on the Bay (pacific beach / San Diego)
May 7th Ramona High School http://www.ramonahighband.org/ or bulldogcarshow@gmail.com
May 14th and 15th El Mirage http://www.scta-bni.org/
May 14th 16th annual Muckenthaler Motor car festival Hot Rods and Customs, Fullerton (near Anaheim) but May 15th is the Concours De Elegance http://themuck.org/s/motor-car-festival/
may 14th Corvette Car show Embarcadero / Seaport Village
May 14th "Spring Fest Car Show", Allied Gardens Community Park, San Diego, CA
May 14th Corvettes of San Diego car club Ventura Point (mission Bay) http://corvettesofsandiego.com/users/editorialdisp.php?mn=110883&fn=events
May 14th Biggs Harley Davidson of San Marcos http://www.biggsh-d.com/ 11am to 3pm
May 15th Vintage Volkswagen Spring Festival, 18th annual, Bob Baker VW http://www.sv2s.com/ or pa.sdacs@hotmail.com Carlsbad Auto Mall, 5500 Paseo Del Norte
May 15th 34th annual North County Corvettes Embarcadero / Seaport Village http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html
may 22nd Julian Classic Motoring Show “V8s In the Vineyard,” Menghini Winery, 5th annual show features sports and racing cars, classics, specialty vehicles and vintage motorcycles. Highlighted this year will be historic Trans Am racers with Christi Edelbrock as the Grand Marshal. There is a rally on that Saturday for all show participants and the main event is Sunday. http://www.julianclassicmotoringshow.com/
May 22nd BMW club Spanish Landing May 28th Escondido Grape Day Park Pre 1974 cars 9am to 3pm
May 22nd Dennis Park (off I15 and Market st by Costco) Viejitos Car Club 14th annual picnic: info 619-370-6833
May 26th Rockabilly Rumble
8 pm to 10 PM
West Coast Tavern, North Park, University Ave and 30th street http://www.westcoasttavern.com/ hosted by DiscoverSD
May 28th American Heritage Car Show. Grape Day Park, Escondido
May 29th AACA 46th Fallbrook Vintage car show, info: Tom Conley 760 723 8596
May 30th Qualcomm Swapmeet 7am to 2pm http://www.sandiegoautoswap.com/
June 2nd Start of LaMesa Car Cruise
June 4th Friends of Steve McQueen car show to benefit Steve's chosen charity and his alumnus, Boys Republic http://www.friendsofstevemcqueen.com/ in Chino Hills
June 4th and 5th Huntington Beach Concours de Elegance http://www.hbconcours.org/
June 4th
Torrey Pines High School 10am to 3pm
Touch a Truck http://www.touchatrucksd.com/
a childhood cancer fundraiser 501c3 charity car show, where the kids are encouraged to climb into and get interested in cars and trucks
June 6th
Imperial Beach Car show
June 8th
Mopars are the featured marque at the Escondido cruise
June 12th Fords and Friends Escondido Felicita Park http://www.pickupslimitedsandiego.com/images/PUL%20SD%20F&F%202010%20Flyer.pdf
June 12th Bugorama in Irvine www.bugorama.com/2011classicfull.jpg
June 14th
Start of the Chula Vista car cruise
June 18th and 19th LA Roadster Show 46th Annual L.A. Roadster Show, L.A. Fairplex, Pomona http://www.laroadsters.com/
June 18th Grossmont Gardens Senior Living center, 5480 Marengo Ave La Mesa.... 11am to 2 pm .. .. RSVP with Micaela @ 619-307-3333
June 18th North Park Recreational Park at the corner of Idaho and Howard, Set Free Tribal have their 1st annual Car and Bike show 11am to 4pm contact 619-647-4344
June 17th -19th Boozefighters MC 12th annual overnight Rancho Corrido RV park Info: chopbfmc3@yahoo.com
June 26 - July 1 Kaiser Frazer Owner Club International convention for info Larry Barker, 602-373-1456, thekaiserstore@gmail.com Rancho Bernardo
June 29th 8am to noon, Rancho Bernado Inn Parking lot
Kaiser Frazer convention car show and judging
July 2nd Ventura county fairgrounds, The Beatnik Blowout http://gambinocustoms.com/
July 4th Rancho Bernardo Wheels of Freedom Car Show no entry fee, but only has space for 130 cars, you have to register first, but open to all makes and models Webb Park Poway Cruisers car club http://powaycruisers.com/
July 10th Cops and Rodders North Park http://www.sdpolicemuseum.com/ 9am to 2pm at the Liberty Station (old Navy training base in Pt Loma)
July 10th Long Beach Dragster Expo and car show http://www.bixbyknollsinfo.com/pdf-files/2010%20entry%20form2-lores.pdf
July 10th East County Cruisers 9th Annual Car Show http://www.simpsonsnursery.com/ 9am to 2pm
July 16th King of Clubs Barona Dragstrip
July 16th San Diego Mopar Club annual show in Carlsbad http://www.moparclubsandiego.net/main.frame.set.htm
July 17th Jaguar Car show Spanish Landing
July 23rd Boys and Girls Club of San Dieguito (Carmel Valley/Del Mar)
The thing I found funny? They are having the Oceanside CHP Capt award a trophy tot he car the CHP would most like to pursue, I like that
July 23rd Crower Cams customer appreciation day and open house
10 am to 4pm , 6180 Business Center Court, a couple blocks East of the 805 on the 905
July 30th Toys For Tots car show MCRD San Diego http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html or ortegagarciaj@usmc-mccs.org
July 31st is the "ALL VW car, bus, and truck show" in La Jolla, on Girard, first time I've learned of it, everything VW, nothing else (about TIME!) 1946 through 1985 only all1946.1985volkswagon@gmail.com
August 6th SD Porsche Club Concourse de Elegance Shelter Island
August 6th So Cal T's Emabarcadero / Seaport Village
August 6th Clairemont Neighborhood car show
August 7th Main Street America Embarcadero / Seaport Village
August 7th Chula Vista Lemon Festival http://www.sandiegocoastlife.com/events/san-diego-bay/chula-vista-lemon-festival.html
August 7th Vista Rod Run 9am to 2 pm
August 7th National City Kimball park annual show
August 20tht San Diego's 11th Annual Tiki Oasis
Crowne Plaza Hotel, 1950's and 60's Hawaiin shirts
25 hot rods are scheduled, and a whipped cream girl contest
August 20th Familienfest at Deer Park Winery,
Show hours are from 9am-3pm to the general public, and might be $10 per person
Hosted by Strictly Vintage 2s http://www.sv2s.com/ff_17.php
August 21st Charger Steve's PB car show on Garnet in PB http://www.chargersteve.com/
August 28th Picnic by the Bay (all makes) Seaport Village / Embarcadero Park http://www.classicchevyofsandiego.com/
Sept 2nd, 3rd, 4th Paso Robles http://www.goldenstateclassics.org/carshows.html
Sept 4th LaJolla Village is hosting a "Orphan car, dune buggy, and handcrafted vehicle" meet at the intersection of Girard and Siverado, just a block or so from the main street through downtown LaJolla orphansdunebuggieshandcrafted@gmail.com
Sept 11th Liberty Station is the new location for the former Balboa Park father's day car show, also know as the Greatest Show On Turf
Sept 16th and 17th Hot Rods and High Rollers Autorama Pala Casino Spa and Resort http://www.palacasino.com/
Sept 17th Wavecrest, Encinitas
Sept 17th Motorhead Madness http://www.powaytransmissions.com/
Sept 17th (tour)
18th (Show) 3rd Annual English Motors at Fairbrook - 4949 S. Mission Rd. Fallbrook- 8:30AM - 3:30PM http://www.englishmotorsatfairbrook.org/ ( Annual fundraiser Meals on Wheels)
Sept 18th Camaro Club fall show Coronado Tidelands park
Sept 22nd Coronado Village Parade
Sept 23rd
drag racing at Qualcomm
Sept 24th and 25th Speedfest on North Island Naval Air Station
Sept 24th Hellbillyfest and car show 2
Del Mar Arena fairgrounds
Benefits St Judes Childrens Hospital
Bo Huff will be there
Sept 30th, Oct 1st, Oct 2nd
Long Beach Motorama
Friday 12pm-9pm, Saturday 10am-9pm, Sunday 10am-7pm
http://www.lbmotorama.com/Oct 2nd 32nd Annual British Car Show Day
Liberty Station Pt Loma
October 2nd SD Mustang Club Embarcadero / Seaport Village
October 7th
Drag racing Qualcomm
October 8th Prowlers Car Club Car Show http://www.simpsonsnursery.com/
Oct 8th
JR competition open house - car show
Oct 8th
Santee Car show
9am to 5pm
Riverview parkway and Mission gorge Rd
Oct 8th
Sweetwater Harley Charity Hot Rod and Custom Bike show
Proceeds to go to a Diabetes Program
pre 1965 and older
10 am to 4pm
3201 Hoover Ave, National City
info: 619 862 7528
Oct 9th
JBA sunday morning coffee and cars
Oct 9th SD Gaslamp Dist, 5th ave from E st to Market http://www.gaslamp.org/fifth-avenue-auto-showcase 11am to 4pm
Oct 9th
Antique drags, Barona dragstrip
October 15th Pinstripers Toilet Seat Invitational Panel Jam and Charity Event
Starts at 10am, San Diego Kustom Shop, 6695 Rasha St. San Diego, CA 92121
30-40 Kustom pin-stripers and airbrush artists on hand creating beautiful pieces of Kustom Kulture art work. These are some of the top stripers in the world as well as some of the top airbrush artists. All the artwork will be auctioned off at the event and 100% off the proceeds will be donated to the The Parkinson's Association of San Diego. There will also be an area for cars to be striped during the show so if someone wants to have some lines thrown down on their ride the day of the show we can do that
Oct 15th
Chula Vista Olympic Training Center car show
1:00 PM to 9:00 PM
Oct 15th
Viejas car show... "Road to Success"
Oct 15th
Mopar Fall Fling
Van Nuys
October 16th
Pal Joey's Lounge in San Carlos, 5147 Waring Rd, 8am - 2pm
Oct 21st
Studebaker National Convention (Paicific South West Zone)
and 3rd annual Cool Classic Car Show
Town and Country Hotel and Convention Center (big parking lot in back by the river)
Info Bobhalgren@hotmail.com
Oct 29th
Ramona High School Auto Shop Car Show
10am to 2pm
November 12th
Carl Burger Dodge dealership annual car show
10am - 2pm
8355 Hercules Dr, LaMesa
Nov 18th
8th annual Fall Classic Car show
Tidelands Park Coronado Island
November 25- 27
Del Mar Fall Nationals
Dec 3rd
11th Annual Alpine car show in the Albertsons parking lot
11am to 3 pm
December 11th
Christmas Cruise for the kids, Del Mar
8am to 2pm
Torrey Pines High School, 3710 Del Mar Heights Rd
Feb 24th, 25th and 26th
Qualcomm's big 3 swapmeet and auto parts exchange
June 23-24, 2012
Dana Point concours de Elegance
http://www.socalcarculture.com/events.html (really big calendar)
http://www.goodoleboyssandiego.com/events.htm (really good calendar) http://local.signonsandiego.com/sections/cars/calendar
http://corvettesofsandiego.com/users/editorialdisp.php?mn=110883&fn=clubCalendar http://www.ncocc.com/calendar.html
I'm just getting started, lots of improvements and additions to come
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